Serbian Language
In the Republic of Serbia, the official language is Serbian.
Cyrillic alphabet is in the official use, and Latin alphabet is used in the manner established by law.
On the territories where national minorities live in official use are, simultaneously with the Serbian language, languages, and alphabets of national minorities, in the manner established by law.
Official use of languages and alphabets is considered a use of languages and alphabets in the work of state organs, organs of the Autonomous Provinces, cities and municipalities, institutions, companies and other organizations when they perform public authorizations.
Official use of languages and alphabets is especially the use of languages and alphabets in:
Oral and written communication of organs and organizations among themselves, as well as with parties, ie citizens
Conducting a procedure for the realization and protection of rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
Keeping the prescribed records by municipal authorities and organizations exercising public authority on the territory of the municipality
Issuing public documents, as well as other documents that are of interest for the fulfillment of legally established citizens' rights
Exercising the rights, duties and responsibilities of workers based on work
The official use of languages and alphabets also includes the use of languages and alphabets in: writing the names of places and other geographical names, the names of squares and streets, the names of the authorities, organizations and companies, publishing public invitations, notifications and warnings to the public and similar.